Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Ridiculous Movie Device - The Token Serial Killer / Bomber Planning Room

Today's RMD is the use of the token newspaper clipping room that the FBI always finds when they've finally found the serial killer or bomber.  This is one that has always killed me.  Now maybe in the 70's guys like the Zodiac killer we're all about the papers but come on, It's 2011, why are these guys not using a computer?!  Why do they feel the need to leave the door open to basically confirm that they are the killer should the FBI ever look inside their woodshed?  More importantly, who has the time between killing, plotting the next victim, and not getting caught to create this ridiculous art and crafts project.  I would love to see just one of these movies show the guy come home from a tough day of raping/murdering some innocent woman, and begrudgingly break out his scissors to begin clipping Newspapers.  When was the last time you made a collage?  You know how the glue stick never works and the edges of the paper always curls up?  How about all the annoying ink that comes off on your hands when you handle newsprint?  These people are unstable psychopaths, imagine how frustrated they must get having to constantly update this thing.  I just once want to see a killer flip out when he realizes he connected the red lines wrong, used permanent marker, and has to start all over again. 

These rooms also beg a lot of other questions:

Do these guys actually like arts and crafts?  The rooms are always laid out so perfectly.  Do you think the BTK killer ever took a decoupage class at the local community center in Wichita?   

When do they start?  Do they decide to use the news-clipping room before they start killing? After? Halfway through so they can keep track?  Do they go to Home Depot to get those bulletin boards to line the wall with before they begin?  Where does he get all these local newspapers to keep track of the national coverage? Do they have a thousand subscriptions?

What happens when they run out of space?  Is this thing fluid?  What happens if you start out your clipping room planning to kill like 1-2 congressman responsible for framing your father and instead you end up killing a bunch of henchman and assorted innocent people along the way?  Do you expand the room? Do you re-format?  How come the FBI never stumbles upon one of these rooms with only a quarter of a wall completed?  Its always packed to the gills.

Where do they get all this information to hang on the walls?  How are they getting all of these year book photos, grade transcripts, top secret files and all kinds of schematics and diagrams?  If you told me today to gather info on some random waitress I was planning to kill, the best I think I could do would be some grainy black and white photos of her getting in and out of her car at work.

Listen, all I'm saying is that these movie serial killers are all very smart, deliberate people.  Don't think for a second they're going to take a haphazard approach to their arts and crafts.  Filmmakers - from now on what say we just have the FBI open a hidden file on the killer's computer that has some articles saved down from the local paper and call it a scene.

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